Page name: It's Angel!!! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-10-09 15:31:54
Last author: The Hidden Flame
Owner: Vaughne
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[IT'S ANGEL!!!] :)

This is the base for the peoples who LOVE Angel / [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]!!!
Wiki page created by [Vaughne]
This page can be freely edited!

see in this pic you can see how big my nose really is >_< *pukes*
(By.[The Incredible Bulk]

Wanna know what Angel's wings look like? Sorta like this::

[Hello people, Angel talking. Feels GOOD to be loved! Haha... erm... yeah... heh.... OVER AND OUT!]

.......TO FIND A SPECIAL PERSON, .......
.........A DAY TO LOVE THEM, ........
..........AN ENTIRE LIFE TIME.........
..............TO 4GET THEM.............
.............U'LL NEVER 4GET..............
.........ITS A SHORT COMMENT..........
...........TO LET THEM KNOW.............
.......IT MEAN UR'RE IN A HURRY.......
..........AND THAT U 4GOTTEN.........
...............UR FRIENDZ

[emzy]-ur my cuz!- duh!!!
[;;Melodrama Junkie] Jump the list? I WOULD NEVER! Aw love ^^ You need like 500million wiki pages xD
[phoenixborn]. Angel I loves you! You rocks my non-existent toe-socks! And if I were even remotely gay I would marry you in a second. Or at least settle for casual sex. And yes, I did jump to the top of the list. What's your point? :P
[Vaughne] Angel you are my best buddy and I love you forever!!!!!!! thanks for just being there and for being the coolest, nicest guy ever! you know im always here for you <3
[Empty~Soul] yay!!
[madness] yay! i didnt know this page existed! angel protected me!!! yay!
[Glover.] your hair sucks worse than mine and thats saying something...
[nevan] :D You Rock!
[Necrobioticrash] SHITCUNT... Yeah thats right.
[no name ear] because you are one of my only friends on here haha... and i guess we are related 0_o
[(*|_Buster_|*)] He's a rapist. I saw 'im!
[Spoonmad] W00t, friends in killing!!
[i love david tennant FULL STOP] well im not really sure why i joined, well to explain myself i will write you an essay. well basically, cool as this thing is i didnt really know what i was doing at the time and i never realised that you could do this. when i signed up i had no idea what elfpack was, obviously now i do but im still a bit confused. you could say i joined this page/club/thing for advice?!?! well i dont know what the hell im supposed to say do i ? i am just stunned into a state of shock and i am writing whatever comes into my head. well, nice as this is i think i will stop now or you may kill me.... bye bye xxx no actually i think i will make it just a bit longer, its amazing, you see sometimes my imaginationm takes over and well i may never stop, ever...ever!!!!!! ok ok now i see your going red with anger so ( in my imagination obviously cos i cant actually see you,that would be amazing if i could but i cant im afraid. or so im told by the little man in my brain) ok good bye... actually no, i think i want to write just a little more. just to annoy you hehe soooo what a beautiful day it is today. a little snow on the ground, the sun in the sky and my fingers are really cold!!! so cold it hurts!!! 
[The Hidden Flame] Hi 'Angel' mind if I stick to Will lol! I can't believe people actually like this loser let alone love!!! Lol j/k mate see you. Fire, Fire!!! XD
[shinobi14] Hey, who doesnt love Angel? He is a good person, no matter how strange a person he is, a good person none the less ^___^. Hmmmm... He was there for me when i was upset. THAT counted. I value that a lot. And im totally liking the fact that he doesnt specify what gender he is in his house, too. Very cool. ^___^ You rock, Angel. XD
[Echoes in the moonlight] Heya Will!! ^__^ I think I'll do the same as Chris and stick to Will rather than 'Angel' ^__^ Hey great night the other night should do it more often, and maybe you should get your lazy ass into Science more often, stop abandoning me! It's fun fun fun, honest! ^__^
[The Incredible Bulk] no roooom...erm *tackle hugs everyone here*
[Miss.PYRO™] YOU PROPER ROCK. even if you complain abaout being thin ¬_¬. but you are still UBER COOL and definitely deserve this wiki. *hugs for angel*
[Luna Armonial] Ish my cool random friend Angel *clings & whispers* Ish mine !!!
[Supernova.] MY ANGEL *pockets Angel* miiiiine *pats pocket*
[Asator Stormbringer] Will.., this is my last promise to you, here, so everyone can see it.., I'll make you proud one last time bro, I'm gonna let everyone know what a great guy you where and still are, and I'll let you know, and everyone else, that every person on this page loves you, with every possible fiber of their being.., I know they do cuz you are an angel.
love you bro.
[Twisted Purgatory] Will you're a loser. And a twat. And many other things. And you're not as good as me. Oh and my play dough figures were better than yours in year 3. You know it's true. If you argue I shall eat you. No lie. Well other than that you're an okay guy (maybe...). Well okay you're one of the best mates I have and I love you. Happy now? You'd better be, you know how much it burns to say something nice.
[Maverick.] hey will you're a loser but i love you XD

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2007-10-04 [Empty~Soul]: *turns into a kitty and pounces on luna*

2007-10-04 [Lonely Shadow]: -falls onto luna's lap and sings-

2007-10-04 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up, smiles slightly* Hey Josh, Kiki, & Bryony...*lightly scratches behind Kiki's ears*

2007-10-04 [Lonely Shadow]: -smiles and dances- hey girl

2007-10-04 [Vaughne]: Hey ^-^

2007-10-04 [Lonely Shadow]: ^_^

2007-10-04 [Empty~Soul]: *purs*

2007-10-04 [Vaughne]: xD

2007-10-04 [Luna Armonial]: *sets Josh to a side, stands up walking off*

2007-10-04 [Lonely Shadow]: -sighs and yawns-

2007-10-04 [The Incredible Bulk]: *walks in adn sits down prding my arm*(

2007-10-04 [Lonely Shadow]: -grabs your arm and hugs you tight-

2007-10-04 [The Incredible Bulk]: .*looks up and hugs you*..i havent..don;t worry

2007-10-04 [Lonely Shadow]: -smiles and hugs you close- I know your haven't

2007-10-04 [The Incredible Bulk]: *sits down and bites my lower lip hard*

2007-10-04 [Lonely Shadow]: -smiles and holds you close-

2007-10-04 [The Incredible Bulk]: *leans agsint you and sighs quetly*

2007-10-04 [Luna Armonial]: *sits in a dark corner*

2007-10-04 [The Incredible Bulk]: *walks over and sits by luna*

2007-10-04 [Empty~Soul]: *pokes alices nose*

2007-10-04 [The Incredible Bulk]: *smiles lightyl at kiki..que tal?

2007-10-04 [Empty~Soul]: o.o?

2007-10-04 [Lonely Shadow]: anyone elses world spinning?

2007-10-04 [Vaughne]: Mine is

2007-10-04 [The Incredible Bulk]: *nods*..doesnt help with anemacy

2007-10-04 [Lonely Shadow]: -leans against a tree and closes my eyes-

2007-10-04 [Luna Armonial]: *lets out a howl then runs off*

2007-10-04 [Empty~Soul]: *sits under a tree hugs my knees and sighs*

2007-10-04 [Vaughne]: Well I'm off bye all

2007-10-04 [The Incredible Bulk]: *hugs bryony* call you around 8:30

2007-10-04 [Lonely Shadow]: think I'm going to go myself here shortly

2007-10-04 [Empty~Soul]: bye tally ily

2007-10-05 [Luna Armonial]: *appears in a nearby tree, sits thinking*

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: hiii luna!

2007-10-05 [Luna Armonial]: Hello Kiki...

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: hii

2007-10-05 [Luna Armonial]: *smiles slightly*

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: *nuzzles her* cheer up i still love you

2007-10-05 [Luna Armonial]: *scratches behind your ear lightly, walks off* I know Kiki, i know...

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: no leave *graps pants leg and pulls*

2007-10-05 [Luna Armonial]: *holds onto my pants so they don't fall* Guess this is what happens when you nit-pick at food here & there...*sits down, wraps a wing around you*

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: *curls up next to you and purs*

2007-10-05 [Luna Armonial]: *smiles, keeps an eye on you*

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: *smiles*

2007-10-05 [Luna Armonial]: *smiles back*

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: *yawns*

2007-10-05 [Luna Armonial]: *covers you with a blanket & goes back to staring off*

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: *stretches*

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *sneezes*

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: bless you!

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: Thank you ^-^

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: welcome ^_^

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: xD How are yoooooh?

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: good i listen to muuusic

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: Me too!!!! xDD

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: grrr commercial

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: Aww =[ I'm using iTunes lol

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: i no have speakers so i have to use radio

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: Awwww =[[ My laptop has built in speakers I'm lucky

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: i want a laptop

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: Mine was a birthday pressie xD

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: i would have to buy mine

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: Aw... why not ask for money contributions for your birthday?

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: i might

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: ^-^

2007-10-05 [Luna Armonial]: *walks in & sits down*

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: Hey Luna ^-^

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: *sits on luna*

2007-10-05 [Luna Armonial]: Hey Bryony...Has anything changed with Will ? Sorry to ask but i'm just really curious...*thinks to self dreams like that never lie*

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *nods* It's okay... well Chris hasn't been in contact so I don't know...

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: *looks at luna* what dream

2007-10-05 [Luna Armonial]: *smiles, ruffles Kiki's hair* Just a dream is all...

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *sighs thinking*

2007-10-05 [Luna Armonial]: *looks at Bryony, gives her a hug* He'll pull through...

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *hugs back* The thing that's scaring me is that I can't feel his presense anymore...

2007-10-05 [Luna Armonial]: *puts my hand over your heart, looks into your eyes* He's always right there, he's not ready to give up yet...It's not his time, he'll pull through.

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: *sits and hugs my knees*

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *nods and sighs*

2007-10-05 [Lonely Shadow]: -pokes bry and hugs her- he's still here, I'd know if he was gone

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *hugs back* I felt his presense leave early this morning... and I've been worried all day

2007-10-05 [Lonely Shadow]: -flicks your hair- not going to lie to you, it's a weak presense but it's still there hun

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: *wiggles my nose*

2007-10-05 [Lonely Shadow]: -rubs my right arm and stares at the ground- as long as I can use my right arm, he'll be here... if I lose all use of it then be scared of him

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: come i dont have any connection to will like that.....

2007-10-05 [Lonely Shadow]: good question, that one you've got ask yourself plus you don't want the connection like I have

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: I'm psychic, Kiki

2007-10-05 [Lonely Shadow]: and I'm a nightmare ^^

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: but i was close to him too.....*sad*

2007-10-05 [Lonely Shadow]: -hugs bry and dances-

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: I know you were Kiki *hugs back* But I'm psychic and so is he. So we have a connection... we kept hearing each other's memories at one point

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: *sighs*

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: Don't worry Kiki... he didn't know how to reply to me in his head, me and Chris can commuinicate telepathically, but me and him couldn't

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: but its not fair

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: Don't worry about it...

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: *hides my face* i want the feeling that tells me he'll be ok like everyone else has

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *hugs*

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: *hugs*

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *sighs* I'm scared too...

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: i hate this

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: So do I

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: i wish i knew

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: I know... me too but Chris keeps cutting me off

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: tell him its life or death and you're talking about my life

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: He won't let me say anything though

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: gah

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: Yeah

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: i need to start getting ready soon but i dont wanna

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: For what?

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: date remember

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: Oh yeah I remember... well get ready then xD

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: he not picking me up until 6 and its 3:42

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: Oh right, well think about the fun you'll have xD

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: its a fair

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: You'll have fun though ^-^

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: yeah

2007-10-05 [Lonely Shadow]: -sits in the corner and focuses my mind-

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *looks at Josh*

2007-10-05 [Lonely Shadow]: -shakes my head and stares at the ground- I can't focus my mind v_v

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: i never could focus on anything

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: I'm trying not to focus on anything at all

2007-10-05 [Lonely Shadow]: I have to focus, I need my mind to be sound or hell break loose

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: oh

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *sits in front of you and crosses legs* Just relax...

2007-10-05 [Lonely Shadow]: -looks at you and sighs- I'm trying hun just something isn't letting me relax

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *nods and places hands gently on either side of your head on your temples* Relax...

2007-10-05 [Lonely Shadow]: -touches your hand and closes my eyes-

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *closes my eyes and mumbles something in tongues*

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: *sits and watches*

2007-10-05 [Lonely Shadow]: -holds myself up and feels all light headedness-

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *supports you against a tree and keeps chanting*

2007-10-05 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *walks in and watches*

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *takes hands away* I hope that helped...

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: *shrugs*

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *sits in the grass and grounds*

2007-10-05 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *curls around bryony*

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *continues to ground*

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: *sighs*

2007-10-05 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *shudders and closes my eyes, resting my head on bryony's lap*

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: *lays down*

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *opens eyes slowly* That's better...

2007-10-05 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *looks up and stares into your eyes*

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *smiles* Hello xD

2007-10-05 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *nuzzles you and rests my head back in your lap*

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *nuzzels back*

2007-10-05 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *smiles*

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *smiles back* I hope Josh is okay...

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: o.o

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: I'm worried about him...

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: *pokes lyon and hides*

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *laughs*

2007-10-05 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *nods* just needs time...

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: Yeah... I hope he's okay though...

2007-10-05 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *rubs your back* he will be...

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *nods* I feel so bad for him... *sighs*

2007-10-05 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *hugs you* your not supergirl you know...

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *smiles* I know... I'll be fine, but I always put the priorities of others before myself

2007-10-05 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *nods* i've noticed that...

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: *yawns*

2007-10-05 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *stands up and shakes out* well, im off...ill talk to you guys later

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: *sighs* Just in my nature

2007-10-05 [Empty~Soul]: bye lyon

2007-10-05 [Vaughne]: Bye Lyon

2007-10-05 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *waves* bye you two...*walks off*

2007-10-06 [Lonely Shadow]: nah supergirl looks ugly, she's prettier then that

2007-10-06 [Supernova.]: although, I must admit, Supergirl has niccceeeee abs...and legs....not so much in the boob department though XP

2007-10-06 [Lonely Shadow]: -rips my wings out and lays them on the ground, then walks away- You can't fly without a set and I've got no use for them anymore, so enjoy them sweetheart and remember that I love you

2007-10-06 [The Hidden Flame]: *sits down in silence*

2007-10-06 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *walks in and sees josh's wings, then picks them up and places them on will's rock*

2007-10-06 [The Hidden Flame]: *looks over*

2007-10-06 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *smiles slightly at chris and nod then walks off*

2007-10-06 [The Hidden Flame]: *nods back* God how did I forget about the rock...? *walks to it and kneels in front of it*

2007-10-06 [Luna Armonial]: *walks in, smiles even though it's hard to* May he be at peace...*turns, walks towards the edge of a distant cliff, breathing deeply & watching the rain*

2007-10-06 [The Hidden Flame]: *carves the name Angel into the rock*

2007-10-06 [Lonely Shadow]: -wipes the blood off the ground from my wings and puts a hand print on the rock-

2007-10-06 [The Hidden Flame]: *touches the name Angel gently and a silent tear falls*

2007-10-06 [Luna Armonial]: *turns back, stands up hugging both of you* He's at peace, you'll see him again...

2007-10-06 [The Hidden Flame]: *hugs back* I know... but I would prefere him here

2007-10-06 [Luna Armonial]: *kneels down, looks at you then places my hand over your heart* When your ready to see him again i'll show you...It's against the rules but it's the least i can do...

2007-10-06 [The Hidden Flame]: *nods* Thank you... Im watching over you.. Im living in the shadows....Im jusut a word to you, but I am very real and cold.. cold to all of this

2007-10-06 [Empty~Soul]: *sits in a tree staring at the rock*

2007-10-06 [The Hidden Flame]: I am just a secret now... I am just a vauge illusion... but you insist I dont exist

2007-10-06 [Luna Armonial]: *looks at you* It's ok...*looks at Kiki* Anyone who needs to talk just know i'm here...

2007-10-06 [Empty~Soul]: *sniffles*

2007-10-06 [The Hidden Flame]: Same goes for me...

2007-10-06 [Empty~Soul]: *nods* i'll be ok i promised him i would live life as if he was still here and im going to

2007-10-06 [The Hidden Flame]: To all your friends, you're delirious
So consumed in all your doom
Trying hard to fill the emptiness
The pieces is gone left the puzzle undone
Is that the way it is..........

2007-10-06 [Luna Armonial]: *looks at Chris then goes quiet* It's not emptiness, the puzzle isn't missing pieces...*walks off*

2007-10-06 [The Hidden Flame]: Song lyrics, Luna...

2007-10-06 [Luna Armonial]: *looks back at you* Oh...*turns away as my eyes turn jet black, goes back to where i belong*

2007-10-06 [The Hidden Flame]: Where do you belong?

2007-10-06 [Luna Armonial]: Where i always am...Here, always will be...*sits down in darkness, lays back staring at the sky & thinking*

2007-10-06 [The Hidden Flame]: *thinks*

2007-10-06 [Luna Armonial]: *looks over at you* What are you thinking about ?

2007-10-06 [The Hidden Flame]: Lots of things

2007-10-06 [Luna Armonial]: Want to talk about it ?

2007-10-06 [The Hidden Flame]: I think you know them...

2007-10-06 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up at you, nods* I'll catch up with you later though, let it go they'll get what's coming to them...

2007-10-06 [The Hidden Flame]: *nods*

2007-10-06 [Empty~Soul]: *yawns*

2007-10-06 [The Hidden Flame]: *shivers*

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